Monday, September 8, 2008


bestial = beast-like, brutal
bestow = to give as a gift, grant
bevy = group
bicke r = quarrel, to have a petty argument
bilious = ill-tempered
bilk = swindle, cheat, defraud
blandish = to coax with flattering, grovel
blight = decay, afflict, destroy
blithe = Joyful, cheerful, or without appropriate thought
bombast = pompous speech
bourgeois = middle class
broach = bring up a topic of conversation
brusque = curt, rough and abrupt in manner
bulwark = fortification
burgeon = sprout or flourish
burly = husky, brawny
cabal = plot, a secret group seeking to overturn something
cadaver = corpse, dead body
cajole = encourage, coax, flatter
calumny = Slander, false and malicious accusation
canard = hoax, a lie
candor (BRITISH = candour) = frankness, honesty of expression
canvass = survey, examine thoroughly
capricious = fickle, impulsive, whimsical, without much thought
careen = swerve, to lean on one side
castigate = criticize, punish, chastise
cataclysm = catastrophe, disaster
cathartic = purgative, purifying, cleansing
catholic = universal, worldly
caucus = a small group within an organization or a meeting of such a group
cavil = quibble, raise trivial objections
cede = transfer ownership, to surrender possession of something
censorious = condemning speech, severely critical
chagrin = shame, embarrassment, humiliation
chalice = goblet, cup
chary = cautious, watchful, extremely shy
cherubic = sweet, innocent
chicane ry = trickery, fraud, deception
chide = scold, express disapproval
chime rical = imaginary, impossible
chole ric = easily angered, short-tempered
circumlocution = roundabout expression
circumspect = cautious, wary
circumvent = evade, avoid, to go around
citadel = fortress or stronghold
clamor (BRITISH = clamour) = noisy outcry
cleave = to split or separate, to stick, adhere
clemency = forgiveness, merciful leniency
cloister = refuge, to confine, seclude
coalesce = combine, to grow together
coddle = to pamper, baby, treat indulgently