superficial = shallow and phony
supple = Easily bent
synchronous = happening at the same time
tainted = contaminated, corrupt
talisman = an object supposed to bring good luck
theocracy = government by the priests
therapeutic = medicinal
tortuous = with bends or turns
transcend = To surpass
transmute = To change in nature or form
tribute = a gift or statement showing respect
turbulence = violent agitation
unobtrusive = inconspicuous, not blatant
vent = small opening, outlet
verisimilitude = appearance of being true
versatile = adaptable, all-purpose
vicarious = substitute, surrogate
viscous = sticky, gluey, thick
warranty = guarantee of a product's soundness
wax = increase, grow
weather = endure the effects of weather or other forces
yoke = join together, unite
temporal = limited by time, secular, not lasting forever
tenacious = persistent
tendentious = biased
tenet = doctrine, principle
tensile = capable of being stretched
tenuous = thin, insubstantial
tepid = lukewarm
terse = concise, brief
tether = tie down, tie with a rope
thrall = slave
thwart = to block or prevent from happening
timorous = fearful, timid
tirade = scolding speech
toady = fawner, sycophant
torpid = lethargic, inactive
transient = fleeting, temporary
translucent = clear, lucid, almost transparent
travesty = caricature, farce, parody
trenchant = incisive, penetrating
trepidation = fear
trite = commonplace, insincere
truculent = fierce, savage, tending to argue a lot
truism = self-evident truth
tryst = meeting, rendezvous
tumult = commotion
turbid = muddy, clouded
turgid = Swollen, not flowing
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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