amphibian = creature that lives on land and water
anachronism = Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time
angular = Sharp-cornered or sharp angled
anthropomorphous = Nonhuman having or resembling human form or quality
apothegm = a short saying
appraise = assess, evaluate the value
arable = suitable for cultivation
asperity = roughness of temper
assay = to analyze or estimate
audit = formal examination of final records
augury = prophecy or prediction of events
aver = to declare to be true
aversion = intense dislike
aviary = cage where birds are kept
banter = to tease playfully and in good humor
beatific = supremely happy, angelic, saintly
benighted = un enlightened
benison = Blessing
blanch = bleach, whiten, to take the color out
bludgeon = to hit someone several times with a heavy object
bolster = To support or make something strong
burnish = To make brilliant or shining
canny = clever and able to think quickly, especially about money or business
carnal = of the flesh, sensual
carp = to find faults, complain constantly
cavalcade = a procession or sequence
celerity = quick moving or acting
cession = Surrender, as of possessions or rights
champ = to chew noisily
chastise = to criticize or punish someone
chattel = piece of personal property
churlish = rude, ungracious
circumscribe = To confine within bounds
clairvoyant = who can see the future, having ESP
collate = to sort or put in proper order
complaisant = Agreeable, friendly
consequential = important
contumacious = rebellious
cuisine = cookery, style of cooking
culmination = climax, final stage
curator = in charge of a library or museum
daunt = to frighten, subdue
declivity = a place that declines or slopes downwards
deranged = insane, delirious, maniacal
derivative = copied or adapted, not original
descry = To discern, to discover or reveal
diffidence = shyness, lack of confidence
dirge = lament with music, funeral hymn
discomfit = To put to confusion, discomfort
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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