Wednesday, September 10, 2008


recant = retract a statement
recidivism = habitual criminal activity
recondite = known to only a few
recreant = coward, betrayer of faith
refractory = obstinate
regal = royal
relegate = assign to an inferior position
renege = break a promise
replete = complete
reprehensible = blameworthy, unacceptable
reproach = blame
reprobate = morally unprincipled person
reprove = to criticize or correct
repudiate = to reject as having no authority
requiem = rest, a mass for the dead
requite = to return in kind
rescind = revoke, cancel
respite = interval or relief
resplendent = shining, splendid
restitution = act of compensating for loss or damage
restive = nervous, uneasy
retort = quick replay
retrench = reorganize, to regroup
retrieve = reclaim
retrograde = regress
revelry = merrymaking
revere = honor
revile = to criticize with harsh language
revulsion = aversion
ribald = coarse, vulgar
rife = widespread, abundant
risque = off-color, racy
rostrum = stage for public speaking
ruminate = reflect upon
rustic = rural
sacrosanct = sacred
sagacious = wise
sallow = sickly yellow in color
sanguine = cheerful
sapient = wise, shrewd
sardonic = scornful
saunte r = walk in a leisurely manner
savant = scholar
schism = a division or separation
scintilla = very small amount
scintillate = sparkle
scoff = ridicule
scurrilous = abusive, insulting
secular = worldly, nonreligious

recidivism = habitual criminal activity
recondite = known to only a few
recreant = coward, betrayer of faith
refractory = obstinate
regal = royal
relegate = assign to an inferior position
renege = break a promise
replete = complete
reprehensible = blameworthy, unacceptable
reproach = blame
reprobate = morally unprincipled person
reprove = to criticize or correct
repudiate = to reject as having no authority
requiem = rest, a mass for the dead
requite = to return in kind
rescind = revoke, cancel
respite = interval or relief
resplendent = shining, splendid
restitution = act of compensating for loss or damage
restive = nervous, uneasy
retort = quick replay
retrench = reorganize, to regroup
retrieve = reclaim
retrograde = regress
revelry = merrymaking
revere = honor
revile = to criticize with harsh language
revulsion = aversion
ribald = coarse, vulgar
rife = widespread, abundant
risque = off-color, racy
rostrum = stage for public speaking
ruminate = reflect upon
rustic = rural
sacrosanct = sacred
sagacious = wise
sallow = sickly yellow in color
sanguine = cheerful
sapient = wise, shrewd
sardonic = scornful
saunte r = walk in a leisurely manner
savant = scholar
schism = a division or separation
scintilla = very small amount
scintillate = sparkle
scoff = ridicule
scurrilous = abusive, insulting
secular = worldly, nonreligious