Wednesday, September 10, 2008


maritime = Situated on or near the sea
megalomania = mental state with delusions of wealth and power
mendacious = Untrue
me retricious = Alluring by false or gaudy show
molt = to shed hair, skin periodically
monastic = related to monks
morbid = abnormally gloomy
naiveté = a lack of worldly wisdom
nihilism = a belief in nothing, extreme skepticism
nomadic = moving from place to place
non sequitur = an irrelevant conclusion
nuptial = relating to marriage
objurgate = to chide, scold
opalescent = iridescent, displaying colors
ornithologist = scientist who studies birds
orotund = pompously said
palette = board for mixing paints
pastiche = imitation of another's style
patricide = murder of one's own father
peculation = theft of money or goods
pediment = triangular gable on a roof or façade
penumbra = partial shadow in an eclipse
permeable = penetrable
philology = study of words
plaintiff = injured person in a lawsuit
plangent = plaintive, resounding sadly
politic = expedient, prudent, well devised
potable = suitable for drinking
presentiment = sense of foreboding
primordial = existing at the beginning, rudimentary
pummel = beat, attack
putrid = dirty, rotten
quintessence = The most essential part of anything
ramshackle = dilapidated, falling to pieces
ratiocination = reasoning
raucous = Harsh sounding
ravenous = extremely hungry
rectitude = moral uprightness
refectory = dining hall
remediable = capable of being corrected
remonstrate = to protest or object
retinue = group of attendants
rococo = ornate, highly decorated
roil = to disturb or cause disorder
salubrious = healthy
serenity = calm, peacefulness
serrated = toothed, with a zigzag edge
sinuous = Curving in and out
slough = to discard or shed