Wednesday, September 10, 2008


sedition = treason, resistance to authority
sententious = concise, trying to appear wise
sequester = to remove or set apart
seraphic = angelic, pure
serendipity = making fortunate discoveries
servile = slavish, obedient
simian = monkey like
simper = smile foolishly, smirk
sinecure = well paid position with little responsibility
skulk = sneak about
slake = to calm down or moderate
sloth = laziness
slovenly = sloppy
sobriety = composed
sobriquet = nickname
sodden = soaked
sojourn = trip, visit
solace = consolation
solecism = ungrammatical construction
solicitous = considerate, concerned
soliloquy = A monologue
solstice = furthest point
sombe r (BRITISH = sombre) = Gloomy
somnambulist = sleepwalker
somnolent = Sleepy
soporific = sleep inducing
sordid = foul, ignoble, dirty and unpleasant
spawn = produce
specious = false but plausible
sporadic = occurring irregularly
sportive = playful
spurn = reject
squalid = filthy
staid = demure, sedate, boring
steadfast = loyal, immovable
stentorian = extremely loud
stigma = mark of disgrace
stilted = formal, stiff, unnatural
stoic = indifferent to pain or pleasure
stolid = impassive
stratagem = trick
stricture = negative criticism
stultify = inhibit, enfeeble
stymie = hinder, thwart
suave = smooth
sublimate = to repress impulses
sublime = lofty, excellent
subte rfuge = cunning, ruse
succulent = juicy, delicious
sully = stain
supercilious = arrogant