Wednesday, September 17, 2008


substantive = substantial
succor (BRITISH = succour) = help, comfort
succumb = yield, submit
suffuse = pervade, permeate
sultry = sweltering
sunder = split
sundry = various
supernume rary = subordinate
suture = surgical stitch
sylvan = rustic
tantalize = tease
taper = candle
tarn = small lake
tarry = linger
taurine = bull-like
taut = tight, stretched
temperate = moderate
tempo = speed
tentative = provisional
tenure = status given after a period of time
terrapin = turtle
testy = petulant
thespian = actor
throes = anguish
throng = crowd
timbre = tonal quality, resonance
Titanic = huge
tithe = donate one-tenth
titular = in name only, figurehead
tocsin = alarm bell, signal
touchstone = standard
traduce = slander
travail = work, drudgery
tribunal = court
troglodyte = cave dweller
truckle = yield
tutelage = guardianship
tyranny = oppression
unassuming = modest
uncouth = uncultured, crude
undulate = surge, fluctuate
uniformity = sameness
unsavory (BRITISH = unsavoury) = distasteful, offensive
unscathed = unhurt
unseemly = unbecoming, improper
untenable = cannot be achieved
ursine = bear-like
uxorious = a doting husband
vagary = whim