Wednesday, September 17, 2008


matriarch = matron
maul = rough up
mausoleum = tomb
mayhem = mutilation
medley = mixture
melee = riot
mellifluous = sweet sounding
menial = humble, degrading
mete = distribute
miasma = toxin
mien = appearance, demeanor
minion = subordinate
minutiae = trivia
mire = marsh
miscegenation = intermarriage between races
miscellany = mixture of items
modish = chic
molten = melted
monolithic = large and uniform
mortify = humiliate
mottled = spotted
mountebank = charlatan
muffle = stifle, quiet
mulct = defraud
muse = ponder
muster = to gather one's forces
noncommittal = neutral, circumspect
nonplus = bring to a halt by confusion
nubile = marriageable
nugatory = useless, worthless
oaf = awkward person
obelisk = tall column, monument
obituary = eulogy
oblation = offering, sacrifice
obliquity = perversity
odoriferous = pleasant odor
offal = inedible parts of a butchered animal
offertory = church collection
ogle = flirt
onus = burden
opprobrium = disgrace
opus = literary work of musical composition
orison = prayer
paleontologist (BRITISH = palaeontologist) = one who studies fossils
palpitate = beat, throb
pandemonium = din, commotion
pander = cater to people's baser instincts
pantomime = mime
papyrus = paper
paramour = lover
parapet = rampart, defense
paroxysm = outburst, convulsion
parsimonious = stingy
parvenu = newcomer, social climber
passe = outmoded
pastoral = rustic
peculate = embezzle, steal
pedantic = bookish
pell-mell = in a confused manner
penurious = stingy
peregrination = wandering
perforce = by necessity
perigee = point when moon is nearest to the earth