Wednesday, September 17, 2008


defray = pay
deign = condescend
delirium = mental confusion, ecstasy
delve = dig, explore (of ideas)
demeanor (BRITISH = demeanour) = behavior
demented = deranged
demure = sedate, reserved
denizen = dweller
denouement = resolution
deposition = testimony
depredation = preying on, plunder
derelict = negligent
desolate = forsaken
desuetude = disuse
dialectic = pertaining to debate
diminution = Reduction
disconcert = confuse
discretion = prudence
dishevel = muss
disinter = unearth
disinterested = Impartial
disputatious = fond of arguing
disquisition = elaborate treatise
dissolute = profligate, immoral
dissonance = Discord
distrait = preoccupied, absent-minded
doggerel = poor verse
dolorous = gloomy
dregs = residue, riffraff
drone = speak in a monotonic voice
duenna = governess
ecclesiastical = churchly
eclat = brilliance
educe = draw forth, evoke
effete = worn out
effusion = pouring forth
elegiac = sad
emblazon = imprint, brand
embryonic = rudimentary
emeritus = retired, but retaining title
enamored (BRITISH = enamoured) = charmed, captivated
enclave = area enclosed within another region
engross = captivate
epoch = era
escapade = adventure
eviscerate = disembowel
ex officio = by virtue of position
excision = removal
exegesis = interpretation
exigency = urgency
exiguous = scanty