Wednesday, September 17, 2008


delusive = deceptive, raising vain hopes
demesne = domain
demolition = destruction
demoniacal = related to evil spirits, devilish
denotation = the exact literary meaning of a word, designation, definition
depilate = remove hair
derision = Ridicule
dermatologist = one who studies the skin and its diseases
descant = discuss fully
desideratum = that which is desired
despoil = to bereave, rob, plunder, strip of possessions
despotism = Any severe and strict rule
detergent = cleansing agent
detonation = explosion
devolve = to roll down, to hand down
diadem = crown
dint = means, effort
dipsomaniac = a person having an uncontrollable desire for alcohol, inebriate
disapprobation = rejection, disapproval
disavowal = Denial
dishabille = in a state of undress
dishearten = discourage, lose spirit
dismember = cut into small parts
disport = amuse
dissuasion = advise against
dive rgent = Tending in different directions
divination = The forecast of future events or discovery of what is lost or hidden
docket = a list of cases to be dealt with
doddering = shaky, infirm from old age
doff = take off
dorsal = belonging to the back side, posterior, tail
douse = to plunge into water, to extinguish
dowdy = slovenly, untidy
drudgery = Hard and constant work in any dull occupation
durance = confinement
eclipse = The obstruction of Sun by moon, or of moon by earth
eerie = weird
efflorescent = opening in flower
elusory = tending to deceive expectations
elysian = relating to paradise, blissful
emanate = to express a feeling or quality through the way one looks
emendation = corrections of errors
emetic = a medicine that causes vomiting
emolument = salary or fees for a job, remuneration, pay scale
empyreal = celestial, fiery
encomiastic = praising, eulogistic