Monday, September 8, 2008


furtive = stealthy
gainsay = to deny
gargantuan = large
garner = gather
garrulous = talkative, loquacious, wordy
gauche = awkward, crude
genre = kind, category
gibe = heckle
glib = insincere manner
glower = stare angrily
goad = encourage
gossamer = thin and flimsy
gouge = overcharge, scoop out
grimace = expression of disgust
grovel = crawl, obey
guile = deceit, trickery
hackneyed = trite
hapless = unlucky
harangue = a pompous speech
harbinger = forerunner
haughty = arrogant
hedonism = the pursuit of pleasure in life
heinous = shocking, wicked
hermetic = airtight, sealed
hew = to cut with an ax
hiatus = interruption
hone = sharpen
illimitable = limitless
imbue = infuse, dye, wet
immure = build a wall around
impair = injure
impassive = calm, without feeling
impeccable = faultless
impecunious = indigent, having no money
imperious = domineering
impertinent = insolent, rude
imperturbable = calm
impervious = Impenetrable
impetuous = quick to act without thinking
implausible = unlikely, inconceivable
impolitic = unwise
importune = urgent request
impregnable = totally safe from attack
impugn = criticize
inadvertent = unintentional
inane = vacuous, stupid
incandescent = brilliant
incarcerate = to put in a jail
incendiary = burning easily, flammable
inchoate = just begun
incipient = beginning to exist