exacerbate = worsen
exasperate = irritate, vex
execrable = very bad, abominable, utterly detestable
exemplary = outstanding, serving as an example
exhort = strongly urge
exhume = uncover, to remove from a grave
exonerate = free from blame
exorcise = to expel evil spirits
expedient = advantageous, convenient, efficient
expiate = atone, make amends for
expunge = erase, eliminate completely
extenuate = To diminish the gravity or importance of
extol = praise highly
extraneous = not essential, unnecessary
extricate = Disentangle, free
exuberant = joyous, happy
exude = emit, ooze
exult = rejoice
facetious = joking, sarcastic, witty
facile = very easy
fallow = unproductive, unplowed
fastidious = meticulous, careful with details
fathom = understand, to measure the depth of
fatuous = inane, stupid
fealty = Loyalty
fecund = fertile, fruitful, productive
feign = pretend, give a false impression
fetid = foul-smelling, putrid, stinking
fickle = always changing one's mind
fidelity = Loyalty
filch = steal something of little value
filial = of a son or daughter
fitful = irregular
flagrant = outrageous, shameless
fledgling = just beginning, struggling
flippant = Having a light, pert, trifling disposition
florid = ruddy, with too much decoration
flout = to show disregard for the law or rules
foible = weakness, minor fault
foist = palm off a fake
foment = instigate
fortuitous = happening by luck, fortunate
foster = encourage
fracas = noisy fight
fraught = filled
frenetic = harried, neurotic
frond = bending tree
fulminate = denounce, menace
fulsome = excessive, insincere
Monday, September 8, 2008
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