conflagration = large fire, big, destructive fire
confluence = flowing together, meeting of two streams, meeting place
confound = bewilder, to baffle, perplex
congeal = solidify, as a liquid freezing, to become thick or solid
conjecture = hypothesis, speculation, prediction
conjure = summon, to evoke a spirit, cast a spell
consanguinity = related by blood, kinship
consecrate = make holy, dedicate to a goal, to declare sacred
construe = interpret or to explain
continence = self-control, self-restraint
contrite = apologetic, deeply sorrowful and repentant for a wrong
contusion = A bruise
conundrum = enigma, puzzle or problem with no solution, riddle
convivial = sociable, festive, fond of eating, drinking, and people
convoke = convene, summon, to call together
coquette = woman who flirts
corroborate = to confirm, verify
coterie = small group, group of people with a common interest or purpose
countenance = facial expression, to favor, support
cower = showing fear, to cringe in fear
crass = crude, unrefined
craven = cowardly
credence = Belief, acceptance of something as true or real
creed = Belief or principle
cringe = cower, to shrink in fear
culpable = blameworthy, guilty, responsible for wrong
cupidity = greed
curmudgeon = boor, cranky person
dally = procrastinate, to act playfully or waste time
debase = to degrade, or lower in quality or stature
debauch = to corrupt, seduce from virtue or duty
debutante = a girl debuting into society
decadence = deterioration, decay (e.g. moral or cultural)
decapitate = kill by beheading
deciduous = shedding leaves, short-lived, temporary
decorous = seemly, proper, tasteful, socially correct
decry = castigate, to belittle, openly condemn
deference = courteously yielding to another, respect, honor
defile = pollute, to make unclean or dishonor
deft = skillful, dexterous
defunct = extinct, no longer existing, dead
deleterious = harmful, destructive, detrimental
deluge = a flood, to submerge, overwhelm
demagogue = An unprincipled politician, leader
demean = to degrade, humiliate, humble
demur = take exception, to express doubts or objections
denigrate = defame, to slur or blacken someone's reputation
depravity = immorality, sinfulness
deprecate = belittle, disparage
Monday, September 8, 2008
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