deride = To ridicule, to mock, make fun of
desecrate = profane, to abuse something sacred
desiccate = dehydrate, to dry completely
despondent = depressed, feeling discouraged and dejected
desultory = without direction in life, at random, rambling, unmethodical
diatribe = long denunciation, bitter verbal attack
dichotomy = a division into two parts
didactic = instructional
dilettante = amateur, dabbler
disabuse = correct, to free from a misconception
disburse = pay out
disconsolate = inconsolable, unable to be consoled, extremely sad
discrete = separate, distinct
discursive = rambling, wandering from topic to topic
disdain = to regard with scorn and contempt
disingenuous = deceptive, sly and crafty
dis jointed = disconnected, incoherent, being separated
disparage = belittle, speak disrespectfully about
disparate = various, dissimilar, different in kind
disparity = difference, contrast, dissimilarity
dispirit = discourage, to dishearten, make dejected
dissipate = scatter
distend = swell, inflate, bloat
distraught = distressed, very worried
docile = domesticated, trained, tame
dotage = senility, mental decline
dour = sullen and gloomy, stern and severe
droll = amusing in a wry
dulcet = melodious, pleasant sounding
duplicity = deceit, treachery, dishonesty, double-dealing
duress = coercion, imprisonment
ebb = recede, to fade away
ebullient = exuberant, full of enthusiasm and high spirits
eclectic = joyful
edify = instruct morally and spiritually
efface = To obliterate
effrontery = insolence
effulgent = brilliant
elicit = provoke
elucidate = make clear, clarify
emaciated = underfed, gaunt
embroil = involve, cause to fall into disorder
emend = correct
encomium = warm praise
encumber = burden, to hinder, restrict motion
endemic = Peculiar to some specified country or people
enervate = weaken, sap strength from
engender = generate, to produce
enigmatic = puzzling, inexplicable
enjoin = urge, order, command
ennui = boredom, lack of interest and energy
Monday, September 8, 2008
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