Wednesday, September 10, 2008


ample = enough, specious, abundant
amplify = enlarge, increase, intensify
ancillary = supplementary, subsidiary, subordinate
anomaly = deviation from the rule, irregularity
artifact (BRITISH = artefact) = an object made by human, of historical interest
artisan = a skilled handicraftsman
authoritarian = dictator, extremely strict, bossy
autocrat = dictator or a high ranking government officer
bifurcated = divided into two branches, forked
blatant = glaring, obvious, showy
bountiful = abundant, plentiful
brazen = bold, shameless, impudent
breach = breaking of a rule, agreement, or law
caricature = cartoon, exaggerated portrait
carnivorous = meat-eating
catalyst = something that causes change without being changed
centripetal = tending toward the center
chaotic = in utter disorder
chauvinist = a man who thinks men are better than women
complement = To make complete, perfect
composure = Calmness of appearance
compress = to reduce, squeeze
constituent = electorate, component, part
constraint = something that limits what you can do
correlation = mutual relationship, association
corrugate = to wrinkle or draw into folds
depose = testify, to remove from a high position
depreciate = To lessen the worth of
determinate = Definitely limited or fixed, conclusive
dexterous = skillful, adroit
dwindle = To diminish or become less
earthy = crude
entity = being, existence
equity = impartiality, justice
equivocal = Ambiguous, open to two interpretations
eulogy = high praise
exotic = Foreign, romantic
extemporaneous = unrehearsed
fabricate = construct
fallible = Capable of erring
felicitous = very appropriate, pertinent
flair = a natural aptitude
flaunt = to show off
flora = plants
fraudulent = Counterfeit
fusion = union, coalition
germinate = To begin to develop into an embryo or higher form
heterogeneous = composed of unlike parts, different
hypothetical = theoretical, speculative