immune = Exempt, as from disease
imprudent = unwise
inception = The beginning
inconsequential = Valueless
indefatigable = never getting tired
indicative = suggestive, implying
indisputable = not disputed, unquestioned
infantile = childish, immature
ingenuous = naïve and unsophisticated
injurious = harmful
innovate = to invent, modernize
integrity = decency, honest, wholeness
intermittent = starting and stopping
introspective = looking within oneself
introvert = To turn within
invoke = request assistance or protection
iota = A small mark or part
irreverent = disrespectful
jaundice = disease of yellowish discoloration of skin
lackluster (BRITISH = lacklustre) = dull, dreary, colorless
laudable = Praiseworthy
lexicon = A dictionary
litigation = lawsuit
lunar = related to the moon
luscious = Rich, sweet, and delicious
metaphor = figure of speech comparing two different things
microcosm = The world on a small scale
migratory = Wandering from place to place with the seasons
mishap = Misfortune
mnemonic = related to memory
monotony = A lack of variation
omnivorous = eating everything
opportunist = One who takes advantage of circumstances
orifice = a small opening
overt = open to view
paradox = seemingly in contradiction
parasite = one who lives at another's expense
patent = the right to make or sell a new invention
pediatrician (BRITISH = paediatrician) = a child doctor
perusal = reading carefully
plenitude = Abundance
polyglot = Speaking several tongues
propagate = To spread
reactionary = related to, or favoring reaction
reciprocate = To give and take mutually
regimen = government rule, systematic plan
rehabilitate = To restore to a former status
reminiscence = remembrance of past events
renegade = rebel, dissident
resilient = the quality of springing back
retroactive = applying to an earlier time
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
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