pacifist = one who opposes all violence
paean = a song of praise
palave r = babble, nonsense
pall = to become dull or weary
palliate = to make less serious, ease
pallid = pale, sallow, lacking color or liveliness
palpable = touchable, obvious, real
paltry = scarce, pitifully small or worthless
panache = flamboyance, flair
pandemic = spread over a whole area or country
panegyric = praise
panoply = full suit of armor
paragon = model of excellence or perfection
pariah = outcast
parley = conference, discussion
parry = avert, ward off, reflect
partisan = supporter
pathos = emotion, feeling of sadness
patrician = aristocrat
patrimony = inheritance or heritage derived from one's father
peccadillo = a minor fault
pedagogue = dull, formal teacher
pedant = a person who is too interested in formal rules and small unimportant details
pejorative = insulting, having bad connotations
pellucid = transparent, easily understood
penance = voluntary suffering to repent for a wrong
penchant = inclination
penitent = repentant
pensive = sad
perdition = damnation, complete ruin
peremptory = dictatorial
perennial = enduring, lasting
perfidious = treacherous ( of a person )
perfunctory = careless, done in a routine way
peripatetic = moving from place to place
pernicious = destructive
pert = flippant, bold
pertinacious = persevering
pertinent = Relevant, applicable
philistine = barbarian, narrow-minded person
phlegmatic = sluggish, someone who is calm
pillory = punish by ridicule
pique = sting, arouse interest
pithy = concise, to the point
pittance = alms, trifle
placid = Serene, calm
platitude = trite remark, stale
plebeian = common, vulgar
plethora = overabundance
Monday, September 8, 2008
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