Monday, September 8, 2008


poignant = pungent, sharp, emotionally moving
polemic = a controversy
portend = omen
portly = large, dignified
potentate = sovereign, king
prattle = chatter, foolish talk
precept = principle, law
precipice = cliff, edge
precipitous = steep
precocious = advanced
precursor = forerunner
predilection = inclination, preference
premeditate = plan in advance
preponderance = predominance
preposterous = ridiculous, illogical
presage = omen, indicate in advance
privation = lack of usual necessities or comforts
probity = integrity, complete honesty
proclivity = inclination, tendency
prodigal = wasteful
prodigious = marvelous, enormous
profligate = licentious, prodigal, corrupt
progenitor = ancestor
progeny = children
prognosis = forecast
prognosticate = foretell
prolix = long-winded, wordy
promontory = headland, cape
promulgate = publish, disseminate
propensity = inclination
propinquity = nearness, kinship
propitiate = satisfy, to win over
propitious = auspicious, favorable
prosaic = uninspired, flat, dull
proscribe = prohibit, to condemn
proselytize (BRITISH = proselytise) = recruit, convert
protean = changing readily
protract = To prolong, extend
provident = having foresight, thrifty
prude = puritan
prudent = cautious, careful
prurient = exhibiting lewd desires
puerile = Childish
pugnacious = combative, quarrelsome
pulchritude = beauty
punctilious = careful in observing rules of behavior or ceremony
pungent = sharp smell or taste
purport = claim to be
pusillanimous = cowardly
quaff = to drink heartily
quagmire = difficult situation
poignant = pungent, sharp, emotionally moving
polemic = a controversy
portend = omen
portly = large, dignified
potentate = sovereign, king
prattle = chatter, foolish talk
precept = principle, law
precipice = cliff, edge
precipitous = steep
precocious = advanced
precursor = forerunner
predilection = inclination, preference
premeditate = plan in advance
preponderance = predominance
preposterous = ridiculous, illogical
presage = omen, indicate in advance
privation = lack of usual necessities or comforts
probity = integrity, complete honesty
proclivity = inclination, tendency
prodigal = wasteful
prodigious = marvelous, enormous
profligate = licentious, prodigal, corrupt
progenitor = ancestor
progeny = children
prognosis = forecast
prognosticate = foretell
prolix = long-winded, wordy
promontory = headland, cape
promulgate = publish, disseminate
propensity = inclination
propinquity = nearness, kinship
propitiate = satisfy, to win over
propitious = auspicious, favorable
prosaic = uninspired, flat, dull
proscribe = prohibit, to condemn
proselytize (BRITISH = proselytise) = recruit, convert
protean = changing readily
protract = To prolong, extend
provident = having foresight, thrifty
prude = puritan
prudent = cautious, careful
prurient = exhibiting lewd desires
puerile = Childish
pugnacious = combative, quarrelsome
pulchritude = beauty
punctilious = careful in observing rules of behavior or ceremony
pungent = sharp smell or taste
purport = claim to be
pusillanimous = cowardly
quaff = to drink heartily
quagmire = difficult situation