Monday, September 8, 2008


infallible = incapable of making a mistake
infernal = hellish
infirmity = ailment, disease
ingrate = ungrateful person
ingratiate = pleasing, flattering, endearing
inimical = adverse, hostile, unfriendly
innocuous = Harmless
innuendo = indirect and subtle criticism
inscrutable = cannot be fully understood
insinuate = to suggest, imply, say indirectly
insipid = flat, dull, lacking flavor
insolent = insulting
insular = narrow-minded, isolated
insupe rable = insurmountable
insurgent = rebellious
insurrection = uprising, rebellion
inter = bury
interdict = prohibit
interloper = intruder, meddler in others' affairs
interminable = unending
internecine = mutually destructive
intransigent = uncompromising
intrepid = fearless
inundate = flood
invective = verbal insult
inveigh = to rail against, protest strongly
inveterate = habitual, chronic, long-standing
invidious = incurring ill-will
irascible = irritable
itinerant = Wandering, unsettled
jaded = spent, bored with one's situation
juggernaut = unstoppable force
kismet = fate
knell = sound of a funeral bell
lachrymose = tearful
lampoon = satirize, to attack with satire
larceny = theft of property
largess = generous donation
legerdemain = trickery
levity = Frivolity, humor
libertine = one without moral restraint
licentious = lewd, immoral
limpid = transparent, clearly understood
lissome (BRITISH = lissom) = agile, supple
lithe = moving and bending with ease
loathe = abhor, hate
loquacious = Talkative
lugubrious = sad, sorrowful
lurid = glowing, shocking