macabre = gruesome
machination = plot or scheme
maelstrom = whirlpool, agitated state of mind
malapropism = comical misuse of a word
malcontent = one who is forever dissatisfied
malediction = curse
malefactor = evildoer, culprit
malodorous = fetid, foul-smelling
manifold = multiple, diverse
martial = warlike, pertaining to the military
martinet = strict disciplinarian
masochist = one who enjoys pain
maudlin = weepy, sentimental
mave rick = a person who resists adherence to a group
mawkish = sickeningly sentimental
meander = to wander aimlessly without direction
mendicant = beggar
me rcurial = changeable, volatile, quick
mettle = courage, capacity for bravery
minatory = threatening
mirth = jollity, laughter
miscreant = one who behaves criminally
missive = letter or note
modicum = a small amount
mollify = to calm or make less severe
moot = disputable, previously decided
mordant = biting, sarcastic
mores = moral standards, customs
moribund = near death
mote = speck, small particle
motley = diverse, many colored
multifarious = diverse, many-sided
munificent = generous
myriad = innumerable
nascent = incipient, coming into existence
natal = related to birth
necromancy = sorcery, black magic
Nemesis = implacable foe, often victorious opponent
neologism = new word or expression
neophyte = beginner
nether = located under or below
nettle = irritate
niggardly = stingy
noisome = harmful, stinking
nonentity = person of no significance
obdurate = unyielding
obeisance = homage, deference
obfuscate = bewilder, muddle, to confuse
oblique = indirect
obliterate = destroy
obloquy = slander, abusive language
Monday, September 8, 2008
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